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  • Crystal structures of Bacillus alkaline phytase in...

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    Crystalstructures of Bacillus alkalinephytase in complex with calcium and inositol hexasulfate.Journal of Molecular Biology. 2011,409:214-24. Zeng, Y.F., Ko, T.P.,Lai,H.L., Cheng, Y.S., Wu, T.H., Ma,...


  • Substrate binding of a GH5 endoglucanase from the ...

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    Substratebinding of a GH5 endoglucanase from the ruminal fungus Piromycesrhizinflata. Acta Crystallographica SectionF,2011,67:1189-1194.Tseng, C.W., Ko, T.P.,Guo,R.T.,Huang, J.W., Wang, H.C., Huang, ...


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